Kabirdas Jayanti 2023: Kabir's couplets which can show a new path to your life, read his famous couplets here
Kabirdas Jayanti 2023: 'Guru Govind Doon Khade, Kake Lagoon Panay...' Even today, every child is reminded of this couplet. Kabir Das's couplets show a new path to people's lives. Today i.e. on 4th June 2023, the birth anniversary of Saint Kabir Day is being celebrated. Saint Kabirdas is counted among the prominent poets of the Bhakti period. Along with being a saint, he was also a social reformer, he devoted his entire life to the work of social reform. Kabir Das ji taught the people the lesson of unity. Rajasthani, Khari Boli, Awadhi, Purabi and Braj languages are mainly included in his works. Kabir Das ji was a great devotee of Lord Ram. His opinion was that God, in search of whom we keep wandering from door to door, is within us, but due to ignorance we are unable to see him.
Inspirational couplets of Kabir Das
1. Whatever bad I saw, I didn't find anyone bad. Whatever heart you seek, don't be worse than me(Meaning- Kabir
says that when I went to search for evil in this world, I did not find anything bad
and when I looked inside myself, I did not find any person worse than myself.)
2. Slowly everything happens slowly. The gardener waters a hundred pots and when the season comes, there will be fruits.
(Meaning- Kabir Das ji says that be patient, all the work gets completed gradually, because even if a gardener starts watering a tree with hundred pitchers of water, it will bear fruits only when the season comes.)
3. Worry is such a dakini, it eats the heart. What should the poor Ved do? How far should he apply the medicine?(Meaning- Kabir Das ji says that anxiety is a witch which cuts off a person's heart and eats it. A doctor cannot cure it. How many medicines will he prescribe. That is, there is no cure for a dangerous disease like anxiety.4. Sai, please give me this much, I am happy. I too should not remain hungry, the sage should not remain hungry.
(Meaning- Kabir Das ji says that God, please give me so much that I can survive, I can feed myself and also feed the coming guests.)5. Guru Govind Dou Khade, Kake Laagun Payay. Balihari Guru Apno, Govind Diyo tell me.
(Meaning - Kabir Das ji says that if teacher and God are standing together, then first of all one should touch the feet of the Guru, because only the Guru shows the way to reach God.)
6. Speak such words that you lose your mind, cool others, cool yourself.Meaning- Kabir Das ji says that one should always speak in such a manner that the other person likes it and one also feels happy.)
7. What if it grows big, like a tree or a date palm? There is no shade for the cultist, the fruits grow far away.(Meaning- Just as a date palm tree, despite being so tall, cannot provide shade to a traveler and its fruits grow so high that they cannot be plucked easily. Similarly, no matter how big a person you are, If you become big but if you do not have humility and do not help anyone then there is no point in growing up
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